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Introduction to SQL Server Query Store

Introduction to SQL Server Query Store
  • 记录日期:Apr. 16, 2019
  • 活动:录播
Introduction to SQL Server Query Store

Query store – what is it and why should you care? It’s an option in SQL Server that records query plans and wait states. And the cool thing is? It gives you a deeper understanding of historical performance data. With query store, you get an answer to the question, "Is this worse now than then?" Query store also provides an easy, effective way to force a plan to be used.

In this on-demand webcast, you’ll learn about:

  • Performance impact and disk usage
  • The simple per database configuration
  • What query store can capture and the tables used
  • Forcing and unforcing a plan
  • Plan regression and how you find it using the built-in reporting


  • Andy Warren - SQL Server consultant



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