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Data Protection Strategy: Is Your IoT Data Protected?

Data Protection Strategy: Is Your IoT Data Protected?

Is your data protection strategy keeping up with the Internet of Things? Get tips for how to protect data generated by nontraditional computing devices such as VoIP phones, cameras, sensors and machines. 

IT teams that are already busy deduplicating, backing up and recovering data on traditional devices will be even busier performing those duties on machine-generated data from new kinds of connected devices. Every organization can pose questions at both the device level and the broader protection level as it decides whether to extend its protection strategy to keep up with the Internet of Things.

IT admins and managers responsible for protection of traditional devices can use this paper to evaluate their organization’s need for protection of machine-generated data. After reading you will see new situations and take away new questions for improving their data protection strategy.

We value your time - here is a snippet of the type of content you will receive inside of this white paper.

What kinds of data are you collecting and how much?

  • Personal data plays a role in everything from simply accessing equipment and devices to company security.
  • Machine-generated, enterprise data (big data) comes from business operations and transactions.

What specific devices are at play?

  • Does the device hold personal data?
  • Does the device hold machine generated data? If so, then how will the business use the data?
  • Does the device rely on internal data storage? Some network-connected devices store data internally rather than writing the data out to a server?
  • What is IT’s current SLA for restoring data to the device?

Which part of your protection strategy needs to expand?

  • Which processes, operations, revenue streams and other business essentials have to be protected?
  • If necessary to demonstrate compliance, is it possible to produce and present the backed-up data?
  • Does the data on the device pose a risk to the organization? Is it possible to remove any sensitive data at the end of its useful life?

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Data Protection Strategy: Is Your IoT Data Protected?

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