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SQL Server on Linux: Why You'll Love It and How to Get Started

SQL Server on Linux: Why You'll Love It and How to Get Started

MSSQL Linux – two things you know and love have come together, forming a powerful force. Haven’t switched to SQL Server on Linux yet? That’s understandable. Moving to new technologies is daunting. But failing to modernize your environment puts you at a competitive disadvantage. You’re missing out on faster database performance, cross-OS compatibility, increased flexibility and a native user experience. What if you could take advantage of SQL Server on Linux – without all the stress and risk of making a major change? 

In this tech brief, you’ll see how to:

  • Get started with SQL Server Linux.
  • Support business intelligence, big data analysis and other heavy-duty database management tasks. 
  • Monitor and improve SQL Server on Linux performance. 
  • Optimize SQL quickly and easily. 
SQL Server on Linux: Why You'll Love It and How to Get Started

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