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The state of database management in 2022: changing environments, roles and best practices

The state of database management in 2022
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Jun. 1, 2022
  • Événement:a la demande
The state of database management in 2022

Quest® and Unisphere Research recently conducted a survey of DBTA subscribers to examine how database environments and roles are changing within enterprises and how deeply new modes of collaboration and technology are being adopted.

From automation and the cloud to the rise of "Ops" culture, the world of database management is evolving with new challenges and opportunities emerging for IT leaders and database professionals.

In this session, experts from Quest, Unisphere and DBTA will discuss the results of the survey, where database management is heading and how database professionals and leaders can chart their course forward.

The discussion will cover:

  • How routine maintenance activities are shifting to higher-level initiatives, such as data security, data analytics and data quality
  • Why interest in DevOps, DataOps and MLOps methodologies is growing
  • Where database tasks are being automated today
  • How the lines between on-premises and cloud environments are blurring
  • The impact of the "Great Resignation" and budget and staffing concerns


  • Joe McKendrick, Research Analyst, Unisphere
  • Tim Fritz, Product Management Senior Manager, Quest

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