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Why you might like a Toad subscription product better

Why you might like a Toad subscription product better
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Nov. 2, 2022
  • Evento:A pedido
Why you might like a Toad subscription product better

Toad for Oracle has multiple editions. View this on-demand webcast and learn about: 

  • The advantages of buying Toad for Oracle as a subscription product.  
  • Which editions are available now, and which editions you can get in the near future. 
  • Convenience features that you can only get in a subscription like: increased security with auto-renew and update; online license administration; easy approval; first access to subscription features; and free education.

If you’re budget is stretched, you’ll want to learn more about lower, up-front costs with our subscription products. Don’t miss this session! 

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