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Mitigating Risks in a Complex Hybrid Directory Environment

Mitigating Risks in a Complex Hybrid Directory Environment
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Nov. 16, 2016
  • Evento:A pedido
Mitigating Risks in a Complex Hybrid Directory Environment

Any defense is only as strong as its weakest point. Office 365 and Azure Active Directory (AD) are highly security focused, with features like conditional access, multifactor authentication and best-in-class identity security reporting. But, if you have a hybrid identity architecture where your AD users and groups are projected into the cloud, your weakest link isn't the cloud — it's your AD.

In this live webcast, security experts Alvaro Vitta, Quest, and Microsoft MVP Sean Deuby, Petri, will explore:

  • Threats to your hybrid AD environment
  • Questions you should be asking yourself and your security team
  • Actions you can take to keep AD secure

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