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Toad Data Point: Create a single dataset from multiple data sources

Toad Data Point: Getting your data ready for presentation
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Jan. 10, 2023
  • Evento:A pedido
Toad Data Point: Getting your data ready for presentation

Sometimes you need to create a report, but all the data you need is from multiple sources. In this case, you may be forced to perform various additional tasks to get the data into a single source or rely on batch processing jobs to pull data from multiple data sources into a single source. Either solution could be better as they can lead to outdated data, mismatched data, and poor data quality.

This session examines how you can include tables from multiple data sources in one query. Ensuring you are accessing real-time data from every data source, allowing you to create joins between data sources to ensure data integrity and quality, and enabling you to be self-sufficient in accessing the data you need.  

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