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Webcast: 7 secrets of securing remote workforce devices

Webcast: 7 secrets of securing remote workforce devices
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Jun. 9, 2021
  • Evento:A pedido
Webcast: 7 secrets of securing remote workforce devices

In 2020, most businesses were forced to figure out how to maintain a productive work environment for their remote employees if they hadn’t already. But it quickly became clear that while most organizations may have a handle on productivity, their security stance is still questionable.

So, if this is an issue in your organization, how can you better manage the security of your remote workforce?

Join Quest KACE experts Jody Evans and James Rico for this on-demand webcast, as they discuss:

  • The insecure reality of your remote workforce – who, what, where and why
  • Which aspects of security management are missing in today’s organizations
  • How a comprehensive approach to securing a remote workforce both improves security while lowering the cost of management


  • Jody Evans, Quest KACE
  • James Rico, Quest KACE

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