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DevOps Cookbook for ERP Teams

DevOps Cookbook for ERP Teams

How ERP developers can enjoy the advantages of DevOps without incurring the risk of noncompliance

If all the cool kids have DevOps, then what’s keeping the ERP teams from getting it? The problem is that progress toward DevOps can introduce the risk of noncompliance to the organization’s financial system of record. Most people — auditors, change control advisers, compliance managers, even life-long ERP developers — don’t want that kind of risk.

This tech brief will introduce you to a framework for guiding ERP development toward a DevOps culture, with workflows that can speed deployment while still mitigating risk.

Download your complimentary copy today to learn:

  • How DevOps and agile are different for ERP developers
  • Why ERP teams can and should adopt DevOps
  • How some ERP teams are already doing DevOps without even knowing it
DevOps Cookbook for ERP Teams

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