The second post in the 2 minute tips series focuses on sharing your drag and drop dashboards. For the rest of the 2 minute tips series, visit the 2 minute tips page.
One of the best features about Quest Foglight is the ability to quickly create your own dashboards using any of the data available in Foglight. However one of the questions I regularly get asked it “how do I share my dashboard with the rest of the team?” The answer is using the dashboard properties:
Whilst logged in to Foglight I have created a dashboard that shows the health state of my offices:
Since this is a very pretty dashboard, I’d like to show it to my boss. It won’t show up in his login though, because I haven’t told Foglight that it is relevant to him.
Foglight has 2 types of security on dashboards Relevant and Allowed. If a dashboard is relevant to any of the groups I’m in then it shows up directly in my menu. Allowed means that I can see a dashboard if I get to it via a drilldown. These are subtly different.
To set the roles for my dashboards, I open up the properties dialog, in the action panel ->properties -> edit basic properties. Then I click on relevant roles (because I want the dashboard to appear in his menu) and select the roles that this dashboard is relevant to (Tip: Console user or operator should be roles that all Foglight users possess)
Now I can tell my boss all about this dashboard, and in his menu he will see a new item “other user dashboards” then under my name will be my dashboard.
There you have it, 2 clicks, and my dashboard is shared with the rest of my team!
If you have any questions or comments about this tip, please post on the Foglight Community so that your question can help others. Click here for the complete list of 2 Minute Tips posted by me.