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RUM and 2008 R2 clusters

 Hello all-

This is an intra-forest domain consolidation (child into parent).

My customer has an active/passive 2008R2 cluster in their source domain.

I understand that we cannot migrate the cluster per Microsoft and Quest. My concern is co-existence once systems and users are migrated to the target domain.

I RUM'd both members of the cluster individually per various Quest articles but I noticed that no target users or target security groups were added to the various shares etc.. I've issued another RUM instance but as it takes about 8 hours to complete, I wanted to be sure that I am doing this correctly. I should be able to just process the shares and folders as normal. I just can't (or at least it's strongly advised not to) migrate the cluster.

I appreciate any assistance. I start production migrations on Monday and unless I can't get this resolved, I'll have to manually provision ACLs.

