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PowerRUM Errors

I am running into issues trying to utilize PowerRUM to try to automate some of the repetitive tasks in RUM 8.12


I am running into issues though trying to use any of the below commands.

Looking at the help file the below command should work. I am trying to run each task against just a few computers and not an entire collection. This example just 1 computer.

New-RumCleanupTask -CollectionName TestCollection -Computer TestMachine01

When I use that command I get the error.

New-RumCleanupTask : Cannot bind parameter 'Computer'. Cannot convert the "TestMachine01" value of type
"System.String" to type "Rum.Management.PSRumComputer".
At line:1 char:51
+ New-RumCleanupTask -CollectionName TestCollection -Computer TestMachine01
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [New-RumCleanupTask], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgumentNoMessage,Rum.Management.Cmdlets.Tasks.NewRumCleanupTask


What am I missing here? I know I can use -Name to make a task and drop -Computer but that will make a task to run against the entire Collection!