(Click images to enlarge.)

The conversation continues...

Jim: " Tell me more! "

Kim: " Foglight is Quest's award-winning cross-DBMS platform monitoring and diagnostics solution. Think of Foglight as a monitoring platform. It uses what they call 'cartridges'. Foglight users choose the cartridges they want to allow them to monitor the database types of their choice."

Jim: " Cartridges? I love cartridges! My favorite is Space Invaders! No, wait....Pitfall! Yes, definitely Pitfall! "

Kim: " No, not THOSE kinds of cartridges....DATABASE cartridges. Simply choose the cartridges right for the environment. Let me give you an example, Jim. Remember how we recently deployed some databases to Microsoft's Azure SQL Database to support our application that manages our TPS reports? Well, Tim said we need to monitor it for availability and performance. So, of course, the first thing I thought of was Foglight! I simply added the Azure SQL Foglight cartridge and now we are monitoring both our Single Database and Elastic Pool deployments. Easy peasy...! "

Jim: " Well....maybe Pac Man. That's great too! "

Kim: " Jim! Snap out of it. Are you even listening to me? "

Jim: " Sorry, Kim. Yes, I'm listening. So...what about our on-prem SQL Server instances? And our SQLServer IaaS deployment? And the SQLServer Managed Instances Tim is always bragging about? And, what about the SQLServer we have on RDS? "

Kim: " We are covered! Quest's Foglight offers a SQLServer cartridge to monitor all of those.

Jim: " Really, Kim? "

Kim: " Yes, really, Jim. In fact, Foglight offers all kinds of cartridges for unmatched breadth and depth of database monitoring coverage. Look! "

Jim: Wow! They have cartridges for Open-Source and NoSQL databases too? It makes me want to.... "

Kim: " Jim, I'm not really sure that's....nevermind..."

(A co-worker approaches Jim and Kim.)

" Hey, you two...."

Kim: " Hey, Slim! "

Slim: " What are you talking about? "

Jim: " Atari! "

Kim: " Good grief.... We are talking about Quest's Foglight and its monitoring coverage with the various cartridges. "

Slim: " Yeah, I was just using Foglight to monitor our Azure SQL Database deployment. You know Tim. He's got to have those TPS reports available and running smoothly. Anyway, with Foglight, I was able to view session-level information, understand current blocking, and even confirm our Azure SQL Database consumption models. See? "


Current Blocking:

DTU / vCore:

Jim: " ooooooo......aaaaaaahhhhh...."

(Heard from a distance)

Tim: " Jim, Kim, Slim! Shouldn't you be working on your TPS reports?! "

For more information, visit Foglight database monitoring and download a free trial.





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